TAPE Inc., the production company behind the beloved noontime show “Eat Bulaga,” has successfully secured the renewal of the show’s trademark for another decade from the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines. This development comes in the midst of a legal battle with the original mainstays of the show – Tito Sotto, Vic Sotto, and Joey de Leon, also known as TVJ.
The renewed trademark registration was granted on June 14, 2023, and is valid until June 14, 2033, with TAPE Inc. officially recognized as the registrant. The certificate confirming the renewal was released to the media on Saturday, Aug. 5.
The news was shared with the public by TAPE executive Bullet Jalosjos through his Instagram Stories. He announced the production company’s successful renewal of registration and captioned his post with, “May awa ang Diyos,” which translates to “God has mercy,” coupled with folded hands emoji.
Source: TAPE Inc.
The renewal comes in the wake of copyright infringement and unfair competition complaints that the comedic trio TVJ filed against TAPE Inc. and GMA Network in June. The veteran entertainers also petitioned for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction, seeking to prevent TAPE Inc. and GMA from using the name, logo, and other associated elements of the new “Eat Bulaga” while the copyright infringement and unfair competition case is pending.
The successful renewal of the ‘Eat Bulaga’ trademark by TAPE Inc. adds a new layer to this ongoing legal dispute and underscores the company’s intention to carry on the legacy of the iconic noontime show.
Further developments related to the legal case and the future of “Eat Bulaga” remain to be seen as the parties involved work towards a resolution.
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