Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones has directed that the Php 5,000 cash allowance for teachers be released and paid in advance of the start of the School Year 2021-2022.
“Our teachers have consistently shown their immediate support to our commitment to deliver quality education amidst the pandemic. We want to consistently support them back through all available means while we explore more ways to help them,” Secretary Briones stated.
According to DepEd and the Department of Budget and Management’s Joint Circular No. 2, section 2021, the Secretary of Education is authorized to establish an earlier schedule for the release of the cash allowance, which increased from Php 3,500 in previous years.

On June 15, Undersecretary for Finance Annalyn Sevilla and Assistant Secretary for Finance Ramon Fiel Abcede issued a memorandum to field offices authorizing the release of the cash allowance beginning June 15, 2021, ahead of the yet-to-be-determined school year opening of SY 2021-2022.
According to the budget law for 2021, the Php 5,000 cash allowance is intended for the purchase of tangible or intangible teaching supplies and materials; for the conduct of various modes of learning, internet, and other communication expenses; and for their annual medical examination expense.
The circular will apply to all permanent and provisional public school teachers, as well as Alternative Learning System (ALS) Mobile and District Alternative Learning System Coordinators (DALCS), in all public elementary, junior high, and senior high schools, as well as community learning centers.
Read more: DepEd to increase teacher’s honorarium during national elections
Meanwhile, public school teachers who are not teaching, who are absent without leave, who are on an indefinite leave of absence, maternity leave, or study leave, who have been convicted of a crime related to their work, or who are no longer in service as of the official start of the school year are not eligible for the cash allowance.
However, those who return to duty following their leave and are assigned at least one teaching load in SY 21-22 will be eligible for a pro-rata cash allowance.
“This Php 5,000 cash allowance this year is only the start of our support efforts for our teachers in preparation for the upcoming school year. With the help of Congress and our stakeholders, we have lined up more initiatives to ensure teachers’ welfare,” Briones added.
Additionally, the Department reminded Implementing units that do not have available funds to request cash allocation from their counterparts at the DBM Regional Office. DepEd Regional Offices have been directed to ensure that the allowance allotment is processed and distributed immediately to Schools Division Offices.
Read more: 4.5 million students registered early for S.Y. 2020-2021
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