Navotas City, once again, finds itself embroiled in controversy following the tragic death of a young man at the hands of the police. Jerhode Jemboy Baltazar, a mere 17 years old, was shot dead under the suspicion of being a wanted criminal. As details emerge, it’s clear that a catastrophic failure in police procedures and judgment has resulted in the loss of an innocent life.
The incident, as confirmed by Police Colonel Allan Umipig, unfolded rapidly when the police, acting on information, mistakenly believed Baltazar to be a suspect from a recent shooting. The harrowing events that followed have been met with disbelief and outrage from the public, with many demanding strict action against the officers involved and a comprehensive review of the police force’s operating procedures.
The fact that the six involved officers chose to fire with the intent to “scare” the victim, as per the Navotas police chief’s statement, highlights a concerning mindset. Such actions go against the PNP’s operational guidelines, which not only prohibit warning shots but also mandate officers to issue a verbal warning before resorting to force.
The family’s decision to file a homicide complaint is a clear indication of the trust deficit between the community and its protectors. With Baltazar’s friend stepping forward as a witness, the case is expected to draw significant attention in the coming days.
One point of contention is the withholding of the names of the six officers. Rappler’s attempts to ascertain their identities highlight the media’s role in ensuring transparency and accountability.
The directive by PNP IAS Inspector General Alfegar Triambulo is a step in the right direction. However, many argue that it is not just about the individual cases, but a larger issue at hand. There’s a palpable demand for sweeping reforms in the police force to ensure that such incidents, borne out of negligence and a lack of adherence to standard protocols, don’t recur.
As the city mourns the untimely demise of Baltazar, a larger narrative is taking shape — a narrative that demands accountability, transparency, and most importantly, a commitment to upholding the sanctity of human life.