Good news! The House of Representatives have approved on second reading to lower the optional retirement age of government employees from 60 down to 56.
On December 10, a big step was made when the House of Representatives decided to approve on second reading a measure to lower the optional retirement age of government employees from 60 to 56.

Members voted via voice vote. The chamber passed House Bill 5509, which seeks to amend Section 13-A of Republic Act 8921, or otherwise known as the “Government Service Insurance (GSIS) Act of 1997.” Now, government workers who have reached the age of 56 years may already file for their retirement and be entitled to an old-age pension for life from the GSIS.
ACT Teachers Party-list Representative France Castro is the principal author of the bill. Earlier, he commented that retirement is one of the demands that was voiced during consultations with public school teachers.
“Respect and humane consideration demand that a person of 55 years – a few years shy of being a senior citizen – should be required to perform the arduous functions expected of a public school teacher in the Philippines. At such stage of their lives, public school teachers should at least be given the choice if they wish to rest from the profession and enjoy better and healthy years ahead,” Castro said.
He also noted that the teachers in the Philippines retire five years later than their counterparts in most countries, noting that the retirement age is 60 in most North American, European, and Asian countries.