This girl is such an inspiration! Brina Maximo proves that anything is possible, even with a disability. After graduating from three courses, she is now a proud teacher in Paraňaque
There is a very toxic mentality that a person with Down Syndrome would not achieve as much as a person without it would. Especially with their disparity and delays with their physical and mental growth, most of them do not even live to old age.
But despite this, inspiring people proves this mentality wrong and show people that anything is possible. Brina Maximo is a great example of this.

Down Syndrome Can’t Keep Her Down
The now 23-year-old didn’t have a great start in life. At just 9 days old, doctors already told her parents that her body was in a very bad condition and might not live long. Not long after, her parents were told that Brina might not even finish grade school.
But the determined Brina continued to surprise everyone.
Not only did she finish Grade School, she also went on to complete High School and graduate in not one but three College courses!
She graduated with a degree of AB History from CAP College Foundation, Inc as well as 2-year course in Associate in Arts and a 1-year course in General Clerical Skills. Presently, Brina works as Assistant Teacher at Pean Integrated School of Parañaque.

But that’s not all she is! She’s more than a teacher, she’s an inspiration to us all!
“I am a Special Olympics Global Youth Ambassador, traveling abroad, delivering inspirational speeches in the Philippines and abroad. I thank God for my life. I thank my family, my Lolos, Lolas, Uncles, Aunties and Cousins for their unconditional love and help. I thank my doctors, therapists and teachers for keeping me healthy and for teaching me.

To all parents — please believe in your children with Down Syndrome, just like what my parents did.
To all PWDs like me — believe in yourselves and pray to God always. You can do it. Just study and work hard.”