The Department of education (DepEd) Task Force COVID-19 is issuing this fifth set of policy directives to reiterate and elaborate on previously issued measures for the guidance of DepEd officials, personnel and staff at the Central, Regional and Division Offices and school nationwide, to ensure heightened precautions in light of the recent developments in the overall national situation. DepEd task Force COVID-19 is monitoring the situation closely and is ready to make informed, coordinated, and proportionate response based on updated guidelines or advisory by the Inter-Agency task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IAFT-EID) headed by the Department of Health.

To read the full DepEd Memorandum, kindly click the link below:
- How to Stay Safe against Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
- Award Certificate for Notable Pupils | EOSY 2019-2020
- Schedule of End of School Year Rites for SY 2019-2020