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9 Commonly Misspelled Words: A Guide to Improve Your Spelling Skills

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Good spelling is an essential aspect of effective communication. However, even the most proficient writers can only accept words that present spelling challenges. Commonly misspelled words can be a source of frustration and confusion, but with practice and awareness, anyone can improve their spelling skills. In this blog, we will explore some frequently misspelled words and provide tips to help you avoid these mistakes.


Accommodation is a word that often causes trouble due to its doubled consonants. Many people mistakenly spell it as “accomodation.” Remember to double the “m” and “o” to spell this word correctly. A helpful trick is to break it down phonetically: ac-com-mo-da-tion.


The word “definitely” is frequently misspelled as “definately” or “definatly.” The secret is to remember that the correct spelling has an “i” after the first “e.” You can use the phrase “definitely, it’s infinite” as a mnemonic device to help you remember the correct spelling.


“Separate” is often misspelled as “seperate.” To avoid this mistake, remember the phrase “there’s a rat in separate.” This mnemonic emphasizes the “a” that follows the first “e” in the word.


“Occurrence” is a word that causes confusion because of its repeating letters. Many people misspell it as “occurance” or “occurence.” Remember to double the “r” and “e” when spelling this word. Break it down into “oc-cur-rence” to help remember the correct order of the letters.


“Embarrass” is another frequently misspelled word. People often spell it as “embarass” or “embaras.” A helpful tip is to remember that embarrassment comes in pairs. Double the “r” and double the “s” to spell it correctly: “em-barr-ass.”


The word “rhythm” is a challenging one due to its unusual spelling pattern. It is commonly misspelled as “rhythym” or “rythm.” Unfortunately, there is no easy trick to remember this word’s spelling other than practice and repetition. Familiarize yourself with the unique arrangement of letters in “rhythm” to improve your spelling accuracy.


Similar to “separate,” the word “precede” is often misspelled as “preceed.” Remember that “precede” is spelled with only one “e” after the “c.” A helpful tip is to think of the phrase “the president precedes the ceremony,” which emphasizes the spelling of the word.


“Receive” is a word that is commonly misspelled as “recieve.” A trick to remember the correct spelling is the phrase “I before E, except after C.” So, in the word “receive,” the “i” comes before the “e.”

Tips for Improving Spelling Skills:

  1. Create Word Lists: Keep a running list of words you frequently misspell. Review and practice them regularly to reinforce correct spelling.
  2.  Visualize Words: Close your eyes and visualize the correct spelling of a word. Picture the letters in your mind to strengthen your memory of the correct spelling.
  3.  Use Mnemonic Devices: Create memorable phrases or rhymes that help you remember the correct spelling of tricky words. Mnemonic devices can be useful for retaining information.
  4.  Break Words into Syllables: Divide complex words into syllables to make them easier to spell. Focus on spelling each syllable correctly, and then bring them together.
  5.  Read Widely: Reading exposes you to a variety of words and their correct spellings. The more you encounter words in context, the more likely you are to remember their correct spellings.
  6.  Practice Spelling: Regularly engage in spelling exercises, such as crossword puzzles or word games. These activities can improve your spelling skills while making the process enjoyable.
  7.  Use Spell Checkers and Dictionaries: Take advantage of technology by using spell checkers and online dictionaries to verify spellings. However, don’t solely rely on them; use them as a learning tool to understand and remember correct spellings.

Final Thoughts

Improving spelling skills is a journey that requires practice and perseverance. You can enhance your spelling accuracy by familiarizing yourself with commonly misspelled words and implementing effective strategies. Remember to create word lists, use mnemonic devices, and break words down into syllables to reinforce correct spelling. With consistent effort and attention, you can overcome spelling challenges and become a more confident writer.



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